This was my amazing nurse. Any that delivers at timp i recommend having her!!!
Ryder Michael Wiszt
Born Jan. 2, 2010 at 7:26 am
7lbs 6oz and 20 1/4 in
I guess I should tell the story of my crazy labor. It was new years eve and i was starting to feel contractions at about 10:30 pm. They we pretty far apart but nothing really prepares you for the pain of contractions. Right at Midnight I told Aric that i was going to bed because i wasn't feeling to good. Well i never really went to bed. I tossed and turned until about 3:30am the contractions started coming on harder and they were close together. So Aric and I decided that we would start timing them and see how far apart they were. They were 3mins apart for about a min. I was getting nervous cause i know when there that close that you are getting close to having the baby. So we woke my mom and my sister amy and decided to go to the hospital. I still was bairly packed for the hospital.
Then we get the hospital and i am thinking that i am going to be like a 3 or 4 dialoated, but no i am 1. I was completely surprised. So we stayed there an hour and she checked me again and there was no change. Do you know what they did. They sent me home. They told me to come back when the contractions started to get more painful and longer.
So we got home about 6 am and I tried to take a nap but my contractions where still 3 min apart for about a min. But the problem with my contractions where i was feeling all of the pain in my back. So i try to watch tv, walk around, do whatever it takes to get my mind off of the pain.
Then about 1 pm the contractions are really starting to hurt. So we did what the nurses said and came in and can you guess what i was at .... 1! still!!! The pain was getting pretty bad and i was completely exhausted cause i hadn't had any sleep for a long time. So i decided to take some morphine and they sent me home again. I finally got like 3 hours of sleep when the pain started coming again but this time when I woke up the pain was 10 times worse. I couldn't concentrate enough to stay ontop of them. I was trying to do a natural birth but the pain was pretty intense. So about 6 pm we decide that we are going to the hospital and we are staying no matter what.
We get to the hospital and by this time i have had 3 different rooms and 3 different nurses. They check me and i am finally progressing i was still only a 3. But they admit me and i had to wait till i was a 4 to get an epidural. Yes i got an epidural. i just was way to tired. Then about 12 hours later i had Ryder.
So after 33 hours of Labor, i can say it was well worth it to bring a health baby boy into this world. Aric and I are so grateful for all the love and support that we have.